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Handle It Yourself.png

“Uh… sorry… can’t hang around to chat…”

You can feel panic starting to bubble in your chest. It’s unlike you, but hangovers always make you more jittery.

The fans look disappointed.

You feel even more panicked. You hate disappointing people. You just want to please everyone. But yet again, you’ve fucked everything up with your terrible habits. Honestly, you don’t deserve to be in this band or even to have Jimmy and Rowan as friends. They’re both good people, but you are a bad person. You always will be.


The panic bursts into your chest and then, without warning, you are throwing up directly in between yourself and the fans.

They all squeal and jump out of the way. One of them snaps a photo.


Cecily is going to murder you.

































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Design, text, and illustrations © 2018 by Alice Oseman

Read more about bisexual disaster Lister Bird in I Was Born for This by Alice Oseman, a book about fame, fandom, antique knives, London, secret crushes, obsession, glasses of milk, angel wings, fanfiction, flooded woodlands, and being so famous you get mobbed in the street.

Alice Oseman I Was Born For This Cover.j
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